
The Faithful Holy One

Hosea 11:12 refers to God as the “faithful Holy One.”

Do you know God’s faithfulness? Do you know it in your head as a truth? Have you experienced it in your life? Have you embraced it in your heart?

Scripture says that God uses suffering to produce in us perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-5), yet in the midst of suffering it can feel like God has forgotten us. Therefore we need to prepare now for the future trials we will encounter. We need to drill into our heads the reality of our faithful God who will never leave us nor forsake us (Joshua 1:5). Then when trials come we will be ruled by truth instead of our feelings. We will be comforted but the truth of God ever with us instead of overwhelmed by our current situation.

Ironically, when trials have passed we can look back and see God at work at every step along the way. Although we tend to not be faithful to him, he is always faithful to us. He uses these types of situations to humble us and to make us complete (James 1:4). He reminds us of our weakness and his strength. Ultimately he equips us for future situations we will encounter. He is a faithful God!

Hosea also refers to God as the “Holy One.” He is unique and separate and above all. He is sinless and pure. He delights in righteous, holy living, and he calls us to be holy because he is holy (Lev. 11:44-45). He can have nothing to do with sinners or sin, except punish sinners and pour out his wrath on them due to their sin.

The holiness of God should prompt us to fear him. He is so far above us we cannot fully understand it. And when we consider our natural sinful state, we should tremble at the wrath of God we deserve.

Yet our faithful God is faithful when we are not. Our holy God has provided a solution to our sinful state. In love, he sent his only Son to the earth to die in our place. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice on the cross. He bore the full wrath of God for us. When we place our faith in the finished work of Christ, God grants us the righteousness of Christ in the place of our sin. What an amazing exchange! Jesus takes our sin and we are given his righteousness!!!

So today, let’s remember that our God is the faithful Holy One.

1 comment :

Barbara said...

I stumbled upon your blog while perusing the website for your book, "Growing Up Christian". I just finished reading the first chapter this morning. It was a graduation present from my school.
I must comment on this post because it goes right along with what we have been learning in youth group: God's faithfulness. Who would have thought that a post written in May would bless a girl's heart in August. Thanks.