
Growing Up Christian -- Video

Imagine the potential of a generation of teens on fire for God!

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Hi! My name is Kelsey J. and I've had your book Growing Up Christian since I graduated in 2015. I received it as a gift when I graduated from C.L.A.S.S. I LOVE IT! Especially Chapter 6 when it talked about having my own convictions. Just a note, I didn't sit down and read the book in one big gulp. I've been reading it over time. I didn't want it to be like any other book I've read, I want to get a true understanding. Each chapter is a surprise to me; I never look at the title of the next chapter until I'm ready to read it. It seems like every time I pick the book up and read the next chapter it's exactly what I need. Last night I had a terrible dream and in my dream it caused me to loose trust in everyone around me and become paranoid and no longer effective in sharing the Gospel of Jesus. This morning I picked up the book from my bookshelf and the chapter was about trust: Chapter 9 Learning to Trust God.

I just want to thank you so much for this book it has been a blessing on my life and I don't know where I would be in my walk with Jesus without it. Every single time I pick up this book its an encouragement to me and I know that others are also blessed by it. Keep up the blogging also!

Thanks again, and may God bless you tremendously for helping us church kids.... ;)