Here are four ways:
Daily Reading the Bible – Each day I try to read
one chapter from the Old Testament and one chapter from the New Testament. I
read slowly, carefully considering the truths in each chapter. I ask God to
reveal to me lessons for the day, and I seek to make practical application to my
life. The change in my life may be small when measured on a daily basis, but
over time the growth has been pronounced.
Daily Prayer – Each day I try to spend time
praying to my Heavenly Father. I seek to worship him, talk with him, and hear
from him. I declare my need for his wisdom, guidance, and help. I lift up to
him my family, my circumstances, and my future. I know I am communicating with
the all-mighty, all-knowing, and all-powerful God of the universe. I know I am
praying to my God who loves me and cares for me. Daily prayer feeds my faith.
Learning from Mistakes – It is easy to beat
myself up for my mistakes and endlessly rerun them endlessly in my mind. But, I try to learn
from my mistakes and see them as opportunities for growth in faith, in character,
and in resilience. I confess my sins and ask God to forgive me, and I acknowledge
my weaknesses. I seek to be a humble learner, listening to the guidance and
teaching of God. I find that in my mistakes, I am keenly aware of my need and I
am often more attentive to the lessons God has for me. I do not like making
mistakes, but I value the important lessons I have learned through them.
Refinement through Trials – Trials are a reality
of life for all of us. We are either in a trial, coming out of a trial, or heading
into a trial. I get frustrated and impatient when I have to endure
difficulties. Yet I also look back at my life and see how God clearly taught me
through trials. Some of the clearest truths have come through lessons learned
in hardship. I have walked through significant health issues personally and
within my family. They have been extremely difficult, but God has met me powerfully. I
have seen his closeness, and my weakness has helped me know he is near, he is strong,
and he is ready to help. Although I do not like trials, I do like the spiritual
growth they have produced in my life.
I pray that God continues to help us grow!
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