I Timothy 2:5-6 states, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all many…”
A mediator helps two parties in disagreement or conflict to resolve their differences.
Why do we need a mediator between us and God? Because God is perfectly holy and we are naturally sinful, there is a huge divide between us and God. He is the righteous judge who must punish sinners, and we are the sinners with a natural inclination towards sin. He can have nothing to do with us, except punish our sin. We desperately need a mediator between us and God.
Amazingly God sent his son to die on the cross and serve as our mediator. When God sees our sin, he sees the punishment for it that Christ endured. When he looks at us he sees the righteousness of his son, which he has credited to us. The divide is gone, the conflict resolved, the difference disappeared—all due to the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ.
How should we respond? Stunned, amazed, grateful, committed to tell others of this good news. Let’s resolve today to look at the finished work of Jesus Christ as the loving work of God for us. Let’s live life aware of the amazing grace and mercy shown to us. Let’s live all out for him and his kingdom. Let’s praise God for our mediator and our ransom paid.
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