In Exodus 18 Moses and the Israelites were wandering in the
desert. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, came to visit him, and he observed Moses
busy all day serving as a judge in the disputes between Israelites. Jethro
quickly realized that Moses was going to burn himself out if he kept up this
Jethro knew Moses was a man of God, feared God, and heard
from God. He knew Moses was a great leader and God’s chosen leader for the
Israelites. He also knew the Moses was human and would run out of energy if he
continued as the only judge. He urged Moses to train up capable men to serve as
judges in simple disputes and have only the most complex matters come to Moses.
He counseled Moses to train up other leaders and multiple his effectiveness
through other men of character and wisdom.
Moses’ response is recorded in Exodus 18:24, “Moses listened
to his father-in-law and did everything he said.”
A few days ago this blog highlighted how wise people listen to advice. Moses modeled this for us. There was a problem that he may or may
not have seen. His wise and caring father-in-law offered sound advice, Moses
took it to heart, and Moses changed his ways.
Let us listen carefully to the godly, wise, and loving
people in our lives. When we face challenges, let us seek them out. When we are
blinded to our challenges, let us be open to their advice and take it to heart.
Let us follow Moses’ example.
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