Are you busy? Really busy? Do school, homework, practice,
friends, work, social activities, youth group, and church completely fill your
schedule? Do you squeeze in meals? Do you pause to send a text? Do you only
stop when you are sleeping?
We are busy, and I am sorry to let you know that you will
only be busier in the years ahead. Marriage, children, full-time work, business
travel, family responsibilities, and bills to pay will only add more to your
How do we handle the busyness? How do we have peace of mind
and heart as we live our lives in a busy world?
How do we apply Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and
know that I am God. I will be
exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the
Here are three antidotes to busyness:
Daily Bible Reading – Start your day by reading
Scripture. Place a bookmark in the O.T. and a bookmark in the N.T. and read one
chapter from each testament each day. Read slowly, asking God to speak to you, encourage
you, direct you, align your mind with his ways, guide you for the day ahead.
Daily Prayer – As you close your Bible, begin to
pray. Commune with God. Be still and let him speak to you, praise him for his
almighty ways, thank him for adopting you as his child, declare your need for
him, ask for his help.
Daily Worship – As you wrap up your time of
prayer, play a song from your phone. Let a worship song fill your mind, let praise
lift your eyes up to your great God, and worship your God from your heart.
Develop the habit of spending daily time with the Lord.
Start your day by being still and knowing and acknowledging God. You will find
peace in the midst of hurry. You will find direction in the midst of chaos. You
will find calm in the midst of anxiety. You will find courage to walk through
trials. You will find boldness to make a difference for Christ.
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